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16 Oktober 2013

Porosity Permeability & Skin Factor

  • Title : Porosity Permeability & Skin Factor by Dr. Hazem Written by Alkhatha’ami, Mohammad
  • Publish : Alkhatha’ami, Mohammad
  • Type Document : pdf 
  • Release : March 2005
  • Total Page : 27 Chapter
  • Size : 1.17 Mb

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Decrypted Contents

Porosity is the ratio of the pore volume to the bulk volume of the reservoir rock on percentage basis. That is
Percentage porosity = bulkvolume : porevolume ×100
Bulk volume = the total volume of the rock
Pore volume = the volume of the pores between the grains
The measurement of porosity is important to the petroleum engineer since the
porosity determines the storage capacity of the reservoir for oil and gas. It is necessary to distinguish between the (1) absolute porosity of a porous medium and its (1) effective porosity. In porous rocks there will always be a number of blind or unconnected pores.
Absolute porosity includes these pores as well as those open to the flow of fluids whereas the effective porosity measures only that part of the pore space that is available to fluid flow(as discussed later). The figure below shows the arrangement of pores in a piece of rock.

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