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13 Oktober 2013

Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 16

  • Title : Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 16 by Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
  • Publish : Marcel Dekker, Inc New York and Basel
  • Type Document : pdf 
  • Release : December 2002
  • Total Page : 13 page
  • Size : 0.40 Mb

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Decrypted Contents

Cost Containment Design for Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps
A geothermal heat pump (GHP) system consists of four distinct subsystems: (1) the ground heat exchanger loop,(2) the in-ground and  building interior piping loop that connects the heat exchangers to the heat pumps, (3) the water source heat pumps and (4) the air distribution system. When engineers, contractors and vendors attempt to contain installation costs, often they have concentrated on reducing the cost of item (1), the ground loop. Reducing the size of the ground loop will significantly lower operating efficiency and will negatively impact system life and maintenance requirements. However, two of the other subsystems that typically receive little attention are the piping loop and the
air distribution system. Modifications to traditional piping and ducting methods can both reduce installation costs and improve operating efficiency.

This chapter will discuss the design methods that will lead to these benefits. The chapter will also integrate these methods with a widely used ground loop sizing procedure.

The geothermal heat pump is a heating and cooling concept that still faces barriers to realizing its full potential. There are many examples of GHP installations that have provided high levels of customer satisfaction as noted by the rapidly increasing number of schools using this technology (GHPC Site List, 1999). There are even a few instances of systems where customers are satisfied not only with performance and dependability but also installation costs.

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