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10 Oktober 2013

Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 05

  • Title : Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 05 by Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
  • Publish : Marcel Dekker, Inc New York and Basel
  • Type Document : pdf
  • Release : December 2002
  • Total Page : 42 page
  • Size : 0.62 Mb

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Decrypted Contents

Utility and Process System Optimization
The energy manager should analyze the total utility needs and the process for energy utilization opportunities. The overall heat and material balance and process flow diagram are very important tools. Each subprocess must also be analyzed in detail. In this chapter, waste heat recovery, boiler operation, utility, and process systems will be discussed.
Thermodynamics deals with the relationships between heat and work. It is based on two basic laws of nature: the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The principles are used in the design of equipment such as steam engines, turbines, pumps, and refrigerators, and in practically every process involving a flow of heat or a chemical equilibrium.

First Law: The first law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, thus, it is referred to as the law of conservation of energy.

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