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12 Oktober 2013

Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 13

  • Title : Plant Engineers & Managers Guide 13 by Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
  • Publish : Marcel Dekker, Inc New York and Basel
  • Type Document : pdf 
  • Release : December 2002
  • Total Page : 16 page
  • Size : 0.43 Mb

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Decrypted Contents

Reliable and Economic Natural Gas Distributed Generation Technologies
Distributed generation (DG) has emerged as a viable alternative to conventional central station power production. This chapter discusses natural gas-fueled distributed generation technologies, focusing on advanced industrial turbines and microturbines, reciprocating engines, and fuel cells. Each of these systems has the capability to improve power reliability and reduce environmental impacts at lower overall costs. Market barriers, such as the lack of standardized utility interconnection protocols, environmental permitting complexities, and public unfamiliarity with distributed generation technologies, have interfered with successful market applications. However, studies indicate that there is substantial growth potential for DG in the steel, petroleum, chemical, forest products, and other industries, as well as commercial buildings, government facilities, hospital complexes, industrial parks, multi-family buildings, and school campuses. This chapter will show that with continued support distributed generation will play a key role in energy production in the next millennium.
Distributed generation (DG) involves small, modular electricity generation at or near the point of use. Utilities or customers can own DG systems, but there is a growing trend towards third party ownership.

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