- Title : Grayloc Connector by Greyloc Product
- Publish : An Oceaneering International Company
- Type Document : pdf
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- Total Page : 8 Page
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Grayloc® connector has three components: a metal seal ring, two hubs and a clamp assembly.
The seal ring is a “T” in cross section. The leg of the “T” forms a
rib that is held by the hub faces as the connection is made. The two
arms form lip seals that create an area of sealing surface with the
inner surface of the hub. The clamp fits over the two hubs and forces
them against the seal ring rib.
As the hubs are drawn together by the clamp assembly, the seal ring
lips deflect against the inner sealing surfaces of the hubs. This
deflection elastically loads the lips of the seal ring against the inner
sealing surface of the hub, forming a self-energized seal. Internal
pressure reinforces this seal, so that the sealing action of the Grayloc® connector is both self-energized and pressure-energized.
In the fabrication of piping systems, less time is required to weld Grayloc® hubs to the pipe since there are no bolt holes to align.
There are only 4 bolts to tighten rather than 8 to 24 as on a conventional flange. The torque required to make up a Grayloc® connection is less than that of a ring joint flange – as much as 75% less.
Maintenance is considerably simplified by the fact that removing four bolts will free a connection.
Make and break times are much shorter, usually in the range of three to eight Grayloc®
connectors in the same time as one flanged connection. No periodic
retightening of bolting is required once the connection is in service.
Seal rings can be reused when service conditions allow.
Tension, Compression and Bending
Anything the pipe can take, so can the Grayloc® Connector!
When manufactured from the same material as the pipe, the Grayloc® connector surpasses the strength of the pipe and that of most other components.
The rib of the seal ring prevents the seal lip from being crushed by
over-tightening. While it acts as a positive stop during makeup, the rib
also transfers compressive and bending loads from one hub element to
another. The rib has bearing area ample to carry the most severe loading
that the piping system can withstand.
Service Extremes – Vibration, heat, cold and thermal
shock often accompany service in which psi connectors are heavily
loaded. psi connectors consistently withstand severe situations without
routine maintenance. Special designs permit maintenance-free service
even under the extreme conditions shown in the table.
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