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3 Oktober 2013

Petroleum & Gas Field Processing 00

  • Title : Petroleum & Gas Field Processing 00 by H.K. Abdel-Aal and Mohamed Aggour - King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, M.A Fahim Kuwait University Safat, Kuwait
  • Publish : Marceld Ekkeirn, C New York Basel
  • Type Document : pdf
  • Release : December 2003
  • Total Page : 14 page
  • Size : 0.55 Mb

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Decrypted Contents

Fluids produced from oil and gas wells genrerally constitute mixtures of crude oil, natural gas, and salt water. These mixtures are very difficult to handle, meter, or transport. In addition to the difficulty, it is also unsafe and uneconomical to ship or to transport these mixtures to refineries and gas plants for processing. Further, hydrocarbon shipping tankers, oil refineries, and gas plants require certain specifications for the fluids that each receive.
Also, environmental constraints exist for the safe and acceptable handling of hydrocarbon fluids and disposal of produced salt water. It is therfore necessary to process the produced fluids in the field to yield products that meet the specifications set by the customer and are safe to handle.

Crude oil–gas–water mixtures produced from wells are generally directed, through flow lines and mainfold system, to a central processing and treatment facility normally called the gas–oil separation plant (GOSP). The first step in processing of the produced stream is the separation of the phases (oil, gas, and water) into separte streams. This takes place in mechanical devices known as two-phase gas–oil separators when the produced stream contains no water or three-phase separators when the produced stream contains water. Gas–oil separation carried out in these separators is recognized as the backbone process in a train of field processing units of oil and gas operations. The separators are used to relieve the excess pressure due to the gas associated with the produced crude and, consequently, separating it from the oil. When water exists in the produced stream, separators are also used to separate the free water from the oil. Once separation is done, each stream undergoes the proper processing for further field treatment, as shown in Fig. 1.

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